We’ve set our fee structure to be transparent with no hidden fees. This way, you know how much money is actually going to advertising. We give you real data on cost per lead and ultimately your cost to acquire customers. There are no long term contracts with On Legal Solutions, after 90 days it is a month to month agreement. There is no reason for us to try and lock our customers into a long term contract, we know that our results will speak for themselves and keep our customers happy.
For monthly ad spend less than $5,000
$1,000 PER MONTH
There is a one time $2,000 admin fee. The terms are a 90 day agreement and then month to month.
For monthly ad spend between $5,000 and $10,000
$1,500 PER MONTH
There is a one time $2,000 admin fee. The terms are a 90 day agreement and then month to month.
For monthly ad spend between $10,000 and $25,000
$2,000 PER MONTH
There is a one time $2,000 admin fee. The terms are a 90 day agreement and then month to month.
For monthly ad spend greater than $25,000
One-time admin fee and agreement length will depend on the monthly ad spend budget.